Comments on the 2020 harp and voice course

“The internship with Rachel Ann Morgan seemed to me, when I signed up (as a harpist with a singer friend), the right place to work on a demanding duo repertoire with a teacher who could give us advice on both “instruments”, which is rare.

This was indeed the case but it also taught me a lot about singing, without complex images but with simple, very practical and immediate advice. Moreover, as luck would have it: each of us brought a very different repertoire and finally very complementary to the others, to our greatest pleasure and, it seems, that of the spectators during the concert on Saturday evening.

This week was an opportunity for rich and sincere human exchanges. The conviviality, starting from the first evening around a very good table, allowed each of us to flourish and we quickly felt like a small family.

Finally, icing on the unexpected cake, I was able to progress in English thanks to Rachel Ann but also Janine and Carien, the two Dutch participants. A real success, in fact, in a magnificent setting!” Nicolas Gillier