Rachel Ann Morgan – Singing Career

I read Music at the University of Bristol, England. Subsequently I went to The Netherlands where I studied harp and voice at the Royal Conservatoire of Music in The Hague.

Nederlandse Opera Stichting
My opera career started at the Opera Studio of De Nederlandse Opera Stichting. Rachel Ann Morgan - Voice TeacherI have sung many roles with the Netherlands Opera and other opera companies. Throughout the years I have given numerous song recitals for the Vereniging Vrienden van het Lied accompanied by Tan Crone, as well as elsewhere accompanied by Rudolf Jansen, David Selig, Frans van Ruth, Marjès Benoist and Edward Witsenburg. I was awarded the Silver Wreath by the Vereniging Vrienden van het Concertgebouw for lied performance. Also I have sung as a soloist in many oratorios.

Singing courses and education
I have followed courses on the voice by the ENT and vocal specialist Dr. Pahn, Alexander technique, and EVTS (Estill Voice Training Systems). I am a mezzo-soprano and my main teachers were Sophia van Sante, Meinard Kraak, David Harper (London) and Ré Koster. I taught voice as a major subject (Hoofdvakzang) at the Conservatoire of Maastricht.